Conversation Starter Facts
1 For a period of time in the mid-2000s, I was arguably the most prolific pet portrait painter in the world.
2 In my spare time I’m writing a screenplay involving Tim Allen, a satanic Christmas curse, and a box of Count Chocula.
3 I miss art directing when I’m copywriting. I get jealous of copywriters when I’m art directing.
4 Countries visited: Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Germany, Greece, England, France, India, Italy, Jamaica, Morocco, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey.
5 My patronius is mole. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6 I worked at one agency for over nine years. Walked in a desperate $10/hour jr. art director. Walked out a 10 coffee/hour creative director.
7 Party Tricks: Jumping over my own leg (That move wins sixth grade dance competitions), making small objects disappear.
8 If I see something on a menu I’ve never seen before, I’m just ordering it. Sorry. “Oh look dear, they have ibex burritos!” “Mmmm, squab nuggets!”
9 I taught several semesters of advertising at School of Visual Arts with Mark DiMassimo. It’s pretty funny to see it from the other side.
10 I’m actually pretty good with excel. So… take that media.